Micro Controller Programming
Here we Take some Programming on Microcontroller 8051 series type devices (not continued) and Atmel AVR ATMEGA controllers. Programming is done and tested in simulator which is available for Download.
Any new programs written by users will also be presented here . We will keep this as simple as possible. No construction details , timing diagrams are given here . A hell lot of Books & E-books are available . Better Do and Learn , than Learning & doing...
LED Matrix (VT12088BS)
LED Dotmatrix is a great piece of device to do some interesting display works. Using it with Shift Registers can save a lot of pins in your microcontroller if the pins are less. 74hc595 is a 8bit serial to parallel shift register. Use it with Arduino to create some interesting effects.
This figure shows the pin configuration for VT12088BS (Differs for different Types)
Rows are Anodes and Columns are Common cathodes. Use 1k resistor in series with +5v supply.
Click here for : Shift Register Tutorial with Arduino
Atmel AVR Microcontrollers
AVR microcontrollers and application processors deliver unmatched flexibility. AVR combines the most code-efficient architecture for C and assembly programming with the ability to tune system parameters throughout the entire life cycle of your key products. Not only do you get to market faster, but once there, you can easily and cost-effectively refine and improve your product offering.
It’s simple: AVR works across the entire range of applications you’re working on... or want to work on. --(source - Atmel corp)
Wireless Hotel Ordering (Who) System 1.0 using AVR
Concept Art (may differ from original)
In the Digital World everything is so fast that we don't have hardly any time to wait. Even for the waiting time for the waiter to take orders and Food to Arrive. The Digital Wireless Hotel ordering system is a User Oriented interface which eliminates the need for a Third Party Waiter for the ordering of food items and thereby eliminating the timedelay for the order to Reach the Chef.
The Components Used are :
1 . Atmega 8 Microcontroller x2
2 . LCD module 16X2 (HD44780 compatible) x2
3 . RF transmitter module (ASK 433 Mhz) x1
4 . RF Reciever Module (ASK 433 Mhz) x1
5 . Push Buttons (2 pin type) x7
6 . other components (will be updated soon)
Source Code :
This sources are tested on ATMega 8 microcontroller on 8mhz oscillator (IF another osc is used you have to calculate and change the Baudrate) . LCD library maynot work in other ATmega (ie Atmega 16, atmega 32 etc).
Transmitter Code Beta 2.0 (With RF , display , welcome & GAME !) Download
Receiver Code beta 1.0 (with RF reception and display) Download
Transmitter Code beta 1.0 (With Transmission and selection) Download
Transmitter side MENU code Alpha 0.4 (no transmission code) . Download
LCD Library Files (Thanks to Avinash Gupta) Download
USART Library Files (Thanks to Avinash Gupta) Download
The LCD Module
LCD module provides a Powerful and flexible use of character and numerical display for any beginners to start with. It is equipped with a microcontroller (hitachi hD44780 like). There is command mode and data Mode to set commands and Write data to it. It is a brilliant piece of device, and most microcontrollers have library for LCD modules. (Or you can do it the hard way building your own library which opens up a wide variety of flexibility).
Before checking out its power, check this simulator for hands-on experience with LCD (only if you want to learn deep).
USB ASP AVR Programmer
As days pass on , Serial Ports and Parallel Ports are disappearing from earth. Most AVR Programmers which are reasonably simple, uses the serial COM Port, as well as the Parallel Port. So if you are using Laptop, Modern-pc without Serial port, the USB asp Programmer is the right choice for you , which is better than usb to serial conversion. But first you have to program an ATMEGA 8/48 using either serial/parallel programmer. Then Build this simple circuit.
EDsim 51
Most Simplest & Cutest Educational simulator for 8051 . Supports Assembly Language programming .
A virtual 8051 is interfaced with virtual peripherals such as a keypad,motor, display, UART, etc.The student can write 8051 assembly code, step through the code and observethe effects each line has on the internal memory and the external peripherals.
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. |
Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of
sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors,
and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed
using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software on running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP).
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