Start Inventing
Most people i come across are in a firm belief that Everything has been invented and they will only have to modify it , which will probably done by the one who is inventing these things.
What are we gonna do ? We repair things , use these things probably study about these things. But in my view I see a Hell lot of need for things to be invented. First of all , Try to find out the Failures in everything you come across. Then start thinking about solutions. Thats the first step into invention.
The problem is that you may find hell lot of contradictions & mistakes in your own ideas. Never, Ever mind that problems. Just design the thing and there are people who do the Correction of mistakes.
Here i present you some Problems & facilities which i am not satisfied with. Can you find a solution ?
Can you INVENT !.
The Behemoth Problem
- The WASTE -
# Lack of Waste bins (& why the hell is that way !)
# 'Throw Away Everything' Attitude of people (don't look around , its you)
# Accumulation of Plastics besides wastes (which preserve the wastes)
# Plastic Enclosed Wastes (Easiest way to dump the wastes)
# Abundance of disposabe Food items.
# Lack of Options for those who want to dispose it clearly.
I have 3 ideas of management System.
Idea A : Reward based system - People are rewarded with money for putting wastes in the respective waste Bins. This will motivate people to get some money Rather than just throw away. Even if they throw away someone else can get some money too. This will probably be helpful for Beggars too.
Idea B : Punishment based system - Cameras, cameras all around. Heavy Fines for those who put wastes. 24 hrs police checking in all cities. CBI's case filing the Dump sites. People will be in constant watch. They will fear, when they see wastes. Practicable under ideal conditions.
Idea C : Company Based System - Companies are enforced to use recyclable plastics for their products. They must then use 90% of the Recyclable plastics recovered from the wastes. They can add that price t the product or they can provide Money for the Recollectors.
More on the way . Comments are welcome.
Innovative Mobile Technology Ideas !
suggested and compiled by Ajith. M.A (
1 . Profile switching : Automatic Switching of Profile (for eg. General -> Silent ) when entering certain Network Cells. Alternative idea is to Use the clock function. By setting the Mobile phone to Change profiles at particular time.
2. Automatic Lighting : To Avoid Delay in using Keypad Unlock, by adding a touch sensitive strips to edges of your handset which triggers Backlight.
3. Dual processors : Why use Heavy processors on just typing sms and simple calling? By switching between a Lower speed / Low power Processor for basic functions and High Speed/ high power processor for graphic intense applications power can be saved considerably .
4 . Power saving mode : A power saving mode with some preset settings can be used in emergency situations…It should include turning off vibration alerts, screen saver, small backlight periods, low display brightness, Turning off of tasks running in background, disabling all multimedia features….etc..
5 . Hardware sharing : using your 5 Mp Mobile cam as a webcam for chatting . Mobile accelerometer for playing a computer game. Touch screen phone as a wireless Mouse. A software based hardware sharing system.
6. Stereo Recording : We have 2 mics. One on Phone & One on headset. Using these 2 on both sides Stereo Recording is possible.
(added on 28 sep 2010)
9. A helmet (Again) that can be used in RAIN (not with vipers)
10. A simple Low cost alternative for TRAFFIC light @ night.
( Why ? Most traffic lights gone off after 8pm or something here (india) )
11. A Technology to detect the collision , when a person crosses the road ( or start to cross the road ).
( added on 21 sep , 2010 )
7. Touch Screens are not Suitable for BLINDS !!
8. How to avoid tangling of wires of Headphones.(added on 1 , sep 2010)
1. I Can't place my Helmet comfortably & securely in my bike.
2. Protection of the ball of ball point pen when falling down.
3. Angle-correction system for my Laptop for viewing in Correct angle.
4. A simple Low cost Gamepad for my PC with buttons & simple electronic components.
5. Portable , low weight , Flexible helmet with average protection.
6. Fully customisable mobile phone with customer oriented Features only.
more coming everyday.
Can you find some solutions to these problems or Send us more problems .
Low Racing Car accessory with MOUSE & KEYBOARD
A simple Low cost Racedriver Joystiq ... Will work on games which support
mouse Driving (For example TORCS ) . I haven't made it , But soon it may happen..
Melody Music Player by some Japanese Guy
This was an idea of japanese guy(i don't know him , if you do tell me) . The metal balls will fall in a given sequence
which hits the metal bars placed in some fashion. Nice music , you must hear. Great Idea too.
Airtight Containers are hard to Close with Tight Air.
Here's my simple idea about making it more easy to close as well as Airtight.
Send you problems / Ideas / solutions
Inspire Yourself
Man is the lowest-cost, 150-pound, nonlinear, all-purpose computer system which can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.
-NASA in 1965
Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.
-John F. Kennedy
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.
-Elbert Hubbard, The Roycroft Dictionary and Book of Epigrams, 1923
The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.
-B. F. Skinner Contingencies of Reinforcement, 1969
"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."
-Pablo Picasso
The most important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them
-Sir William Bragg
Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.
-Thomas Alva Edison
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