Digital Logic Design
Here we Concentrates on Simple Logic circuits that can be designed in real world or (as here) in a Program called MMLogic . We use simple screen shots as Tutorials here .
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mm Logic is (now) a Freeware software for learning and implementing Digital Logic circuits
more easily than you thought. It has got a simple interface , pretty low size , Easy to check & simulate components.
It has all the gates , Counters , ALU , memory , files , 7 segment display etc.
You can download this at mm Logic / Softronix Website
Copyright 1996 Softronics
Tutorial Tips
- Learn as you build Logic circuits
- Make as many Errors as possible
- Use nodes carefully
- Use step simulation if seems appropriate.
- Familiarize components first before starts building.
Here is a Fulladder implemented using basic gates in mmlogic.
sum = a xor b xor cin and Carry = ab + (a xor b) cin
This is just a cascading of "4 " above given Full adder and connecting the 'carry out' to 'carry in' of the second FA.
In the second 7 segment display only '0' or '1' is needed . So rest are grounded.
It may look so complicated. Use "Nodes" Logically to improve wirings.
Here is a Ring COunter or " SHift register Counter" . I've got trouble with the 'level triggering' ,
so i choose "edge triggering" for D flip flop.
Push buttons with initial states 1 is used for clearing & setting 1st Preset.
Traffic Light
This Traffic Light just Displays the RED for 5 seconds , Green for 3 seconds and yellow for 2 seconds . Bcd adder is used with 1second Oscillator. Change speed to 1hz from Simulate -> Setup menu.
mm Logic Provides 8/16 bit memory ,in both READING and WRITE Modes . Quite useful for Bigger circuits .
Here i used it as a 4 bit memory (in 8 bit mode) . When W (write pin) is high , data is written into memory (Each time you press , E symbol becomes one , enabling Write signal. ) To read , set W to 0 and set the ADDRESS. Simple.
Got Bigger Ones ?
Here we have shown you only basic things by which many great ckts ( a full computer ) can be build.
If you have got Logic and little bit of Imagination You can also do
great Logic circuits to Learn , or just for fun.
Send the '.lgi' files or screenshots to '' and we will publish it here.